
Bunk! is a weird and wonderful comedy gameshow, hosted by Kurt Braunohler, in which a panel of comedians compete in ridiculous challenges to win outrageous prizes. Unlike other gameshows, everything is a complete fabrication with no real questions, no real answers and no real prizes. It was created by Lopez Tonight writer Ethan T. Berlin, while he was writing a gameshow pilot for MTV.

Berlin and Eric Bryant initially made a pilot on their own and entered it into the NY Television Festival, where it received plenty of attention before IFC commissioned a ten-episode run.

The show features rounds including Top This Lie, Shame That Puppy and Name That Horse and tests the comedians improv skills rather than their general knowledge. Other games see them drawing genitals on the Statue of David and creating a series of new road signs.

The gameshow is one of the first formats to be distributed by Canadian distributor Tricon Films and TV, through the recent deal it struck with US cable network IFC to sell its shows.

The show: Bunk
The producer: Avalon Television
The distributor: Tricon Films and Television
Airing: IFC (US)
Concept: Wacky comedy-based gameshow

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