Sales Talk: DCD Rights’ Rick Barker on FAST domination & the rise of K-drama

Buyers, hungry for new content, are in the UK capital for meetings, presentations and drinks – or logging on from across the globe – for London TV Screenings all this week.

With so many new productions being showcased, TBI has been checking in with execs from international distributors of all sizes as they share the best new shows on their slates, along with the top trends to watch out for in 2022.

Love Me


What’s your standout show for London Screenings and why?

We have a wonderful and varied selection of programming being showcased ranging from the return of popular dramas My Life Is Murder and The Secrets She Keeps, to new factual series such as Travelling Auctioneers featuring Will Kirk, but for me personally, the love, loss and complexity of family relationships in Love Me is worthy of the accolade.

What show are you most looking forward to in 2022 (not including your own)?

Being a golf and cricket fan, it could only be This Could Go Anywhere in which the first series followed former cricketers Phil Tufnell and Brendon McCullum, playing golf, sharing some great stories, eating and drinking the finest food and wine around New Zealand.

What single distribution trend will define the next 12 months?

The continual rise of FAST channels which are starting to enter the media lexicon across the globe and will start to dominate the future television landscape.

Squid Game

Three words to describe the global distribution industry right now are…

Resilient. Creative. Flexible.

Which country’s programming will boom this year & why?

The continual rise of K-drama, highlighted by Squid Game, has recently gripped worldwide audiences, but it’s not an overnight sensation; it has taken years to build up to this position. Asia and in particular Singapore and Malaysia will experience a similar boom and with international and regional streamers expanding their presence across Asia, distributors will be keeping a keen eye on the region’s development pipelines.

Rewind to this time in 2018. You have the same knowledge as you do now – what would be the first thing you’d do? 

Buy shares in Zoom! From a distribution angle, it is such a relationship driven industry and vital that we can meet face to face, so in hindsight, more direct client contact, wrapping as many productions before March 2019 as possible and continual investment in back catalogue to feed those pandemic-starved schedules.

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